
This is a web-page made by Hayden, Nate and Jonathan. Here you can learn about us, play games and more! Click one of the buttons at the top of the screen to get started! Below the navigation bar at the top, there is some games that we made. We have four games at the moment. Don't click the magic game :). The "About Us" tab will take you to our profiles. There you can learn a bit about us, what we like, what we don't like, and some of our backgrounds. The "Contact Us" tab will take you to a page with ways you can contact us. These include things like Email, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, etc. Feel free to stop reading this and start exploring!

Game Descriptions/Instructions

Rock, Paper, Scissors: This game of Rock, Paper, Scissors is just like classic Rock, Paper, Scissors. To play Rock, Paper, Scissors you need to click the button to start. Then a prompt will come up, and it will say, "Do you choose rock, paper, or scissors?", and you have to type in rock, paper, or scissor, but this is case sensitive. Then it will bring you to a white page that says, "Computer: (rock, paper, or scissors)". You have to determine whether you win or lose comparing your choice to the computers. Just reload the page to play again!

Dragon Game: For this game, when you hit the button. You'll try to be slaying a dragon, we can't say you'll always win. Good Luck!

Sanic Ball Remix: Are you faster than Sanic? Test your speed in a rad race!

Magic Game: Don't... Please... For the children...

*We are trying to develop a mad libs game at the moment!


This website was made by Hayden, Nate and Jonathan. These credits will tell you what they did.

Games: The Games were done by Nate. Some games originated as Codecademy games but were altered to fit our liking.

Profiles: We each made our own profile. There would be no point in making other peoples profiles!

Home Website: Hayden and Nate.

CSS: Jonathan was a great help with the css problems we had!